Evaluation report Empowered Girls Speak Out 2017-20

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Empowered Girls Speak Out (EGSO) is one of the Projects ran by the Sport Development Aid (SDA) NGO based in Mtwara in southern Tanzania. This project operates in nine communities/schools in two districts in Mtwara Municipal and Mtwara Rural. The EGSO project started in January 2017 and according to the project plan, it […]

Kestävän Kehityksen liikuntakirja

Liikunnan avulla ihmiset rohkaistuvat kantamaan vastuuta sekä omasta että ympäristön hyvinvoinnista. Kaikki Kestävän Kehityksen tavoitteet liittyvät toisiinsa, ja liikunta on hyvä tapa käsitellä useampaa tavoitetta samanaikaisesti.

Kestävän Kehityksen toimintaohjelma (Agenda2030) pyrkii tukemaan kehitystä ja kasvua siten, että maapallomme säilyy myös tuleville suku-polville. Toimintaohjelman slogan kuuluu: “Leave no one behind!” Siinä huomioidaan maapallon kantokyvyn vaikutukset ihmisen hyvinvointiin ja talouskasvuun vaikuttavina tekijöinä.

Sosiaalinen, taloudellinen ja ympäristöllinen kestävyys kulkevat siis käsi kädessä.

LiiKe toimintakertomus 2018

Liikunnan Kehitysyhteistyö LiiKe jatkoi liikunnanopetuksen kehittämiseen tähtäävää yhteistyötä pääkohdemaassaan Tansaniassa vuonna 2018. LiiKe edisti liikunnan globaalikasvatusta urheiluopistoissa Suomessa. Yhteistyötä olympiakasvatuksen ja kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi lisättiin ja LiiKe toteutti tätä politiikkaa mm. Helsinki Think Companyn ja Linko ry:n kanssa.

LiiKe hallinnoi vain yhtä liikunnallista Empowered Girls Speak Out -hanketta Tansaniassa, johon tuli rahoitus Ulkoasiainministeriöstä. LiiKe aloitti yhteistyössä suomalaisten ja tansanialaisten näyttelijöiden kanssa Forum Teatteri -yhteisöteatterikoulutuksen 10 yläkoulussa Mtwarassa ja Dar es Salaamissa, Tansaniassa. Tavoitteena on saada sorrettujen ääni paremmin kuuluviin.

LiiKe käyttää edelleen liikuntaa välineenä kohti kehitystä. Peruskoululiikunnan ja koulutuksen tukeminen on ollut LiiKen toiminnan kulmakivenä jo usean vuoden ajan. LiiKe ei saanut rahoitusta uusiin hankeanomuksiin Ulkoasiainministeriöltä, mutta toteuttaa suunniteltuja toimintoja omalla varainhankinnallaan.

Pelin henki – moderni ja traditionaalinen tansanialaisessa jalkapalloilussa

Antropologisessa ja muussa yhteiskunnallisessa tutkimuksessa magia on määritelty perinteisesti traditionaaliseksi ja menneisyyteen kuuluvaksi, kun taas urheilu on määritelty magian vastakohtana dynaamiseksi moderniksi. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan tansanialaista jalkapallomagiaa, jota on mahdotonta määrittää kyseisen diko-tomian kumpaankaan kategoriaan. Tansaniassa tammi-syyskuussa 2010 kerätyn etnografisen aineiston perusteella tutkielmassa kuvaillaan, minkälaisia merkityksiä tansanialaiset itse antavat jalkapallomagialle ja miten nämä merki-tyksenannot liittyvät modernin ja traditionaalisen diskurssiin. Tutkielman pääteemana on tutkittavien tansanialaisten subjektiviteetti tai persoona, joka määritellään suhteessa muihin. Tansanialaisen jalkapallon historia juontaa juurensa siirtomaa-aikaan, jolloin siirtomaahallitsijat pyrkivät lajin avulla modernisoimaan paikallista väestöä ja opettamaan heille kurinalaisuutta ja lojaalisuutta. Tähän liittyi olettamus siitä, että kulttuurit kehittyvät teleologisesti kohti yhtä modernia. Tansaniassa jalkapallon suosio on nykyisin huikeaa, mutta suosio perustuu jo olemassa oleville kulttuurisille rakenteille. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan, kuinka Tansanian kahden vanhimman ja suurimman jalkapalloseuran historia linkittyy erityisesti traditionaalisiksi nimettyihin ngoma-tansseihin, joihin liittyy olennaisena elementtinä kilpailullisuus. Tutkimusaineistossa korostuvat jalkapallon ja magian ambivalentit luonteet. Tansanialaiset eivät itse määrittele jalkapallomagiaa suoraan traditionaaliseksi tai moderniksi. Heidän mielestään traditionaaliseen magiaan kuuluu, että yliluonnollisia voimia käyttääkseen henkilön täytyy vahingoittaa omaa perheenjäsentään. Traditionaalinen magia on erityisen vaarallista ja sitä käytetään pahaan. Jalkapallomagian avulla puolestaan pyritään ensisijaisesti suojele-maan omaa joukkuetta ja varmistamaan ottelun voitokas lopputulos. Toisaalta jalkapallojoukkueita myös verrataan laajennettuihin perheisiin, ja jalkapallomagian toimintamuodoissa on jatkuvuutta traditionaalisen magian mekanis-meihin. Analyysin loppuosa perustuu Harri Englundin käyttämään lähestymistapaan, jossa magian avulla tuodaan esille tutkittavan yhteisön keskinäisissä sosiaalisissa suhteissa olevia jännitteitä. Englundin tutkimuksessa yhteisön jäse-nen syyttäminen magian käyttämisestä on hyökkäys syytetyn henkilön moraalista laatua kohtaan. Syytetyiksi joutu-vat ne, jotka eivät tee näkyviksi suhteita, joilla he ovat maallisen menestyksensä ansainneet. Tansanialaisen jalka-palloilun kontekstissa voitto tai häviö ei aiheuta syyttelyä maagisesta toiminnasta. Sen sijaan henkilön moraalista laatua arvioidaan jalkapalloyhteisössä sen perusteella, kuinka omistautuneita henkilöt ovat lajille ja joukkueelleen. Tutkielmassa tullaan johtopäätökseen, että tansanialaiset määrittävät jalkapallomagiaan sekä traditionaalisen että modernin piirteitä. He tuomitsevat oman edun tavoittelun yhteisen hyvän kustannuksella. Tämä tulee esille traditio-naalisessa magiassa, jossa henkilö uhraa perheensä oman menestyksensä saavuttamiseksi. Vastaavasti jalkapal-lon yhteydessä henkilöitä syytetään niin sanotun jalkapalloperheen rikkomisesta ja lojaaliuden puutteesta. Tansania-laiset haluavat diskurssin tasolla moderniutta, mutta arvostavat myös traditionaalista jatkuvuutta. Modernius assosi-oituu eurooppalaisiin, mikä näkyy muun muassa siinä, että eurooppalaisilla ajatellaan olevan myös moderneimmat jalkapallomagian toimintatavat. Modernin ja traditionaalisen kategoriat ovat aktiivisesti kuviteltuja kategorioita, jotka kuitenkin vaikuttavat toimintaan ja toiminnan moraaliseen arvottamiseen myös konkreettisesti joskin ristiriitaisesti.



FC Vito -joukkueen kummitoiminnan vaikutukset Tansaniassa

Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena oli selvittää kummitoiminnan vaikutuksia tansanialaisten FC Vito -pelaajien koulumenestykseen. Tilaajana oli LiiKe ry, eli Liikunnan Kehitysyhteistyö, joka on suomalainen kehitysyhteistyöjärjestö. LiiKe ry:n tavoitteena on parantaa lasten ja nuorten elämänlaatua urheilun ja terveyskasvatuksen avulla sekä pyrkiä parantamaan opetuksen tasoa Tansaniassa.

Opinnäytetyön aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytin teemahaastattelua sekä havainnointia. Suoritin haastattelut Tansa-niassa syyskuussa 2017. Haastattelin 29 FC Vito -pelaajaa ja viittätoista heidän vanhempaansa. Tein haastatteluja myös joukkueiden valmentajille sekä pelaajien opettajille.

Järjestötyön kentälle opinnäytetyön merkitys kiinnittyy nuorten tansanialaisten kasvun ja kehityksen tukemiseen. Opinnäytetyö käsittelee lisäksi kummitoiminnan merkitystä osana kehitysyhteistyötä. Uskon, että opinnäytetyöstäni voi olla hyötyä LiiKe ry:n kehittäessä kummitoimintaa.

LiiKe toimintakertomus 2014

Liikunnan Kehitysyhteistyö LiiKe jatkoi liikunnanopetuksen kehittämiseen tähtäävää yhteistyötä kohdemaassaan Tansaniassa vuonna 2014. LiiKe edisti liikunnan globaalikasvatusta urheiluopistoissa Suomessa. Liikunnan globaalikasvatus on koettu uudistavaksi tekijäksi kaikissa urheiluopistoissa ja se koettiin mielekkääksi niin opiskelijoiden kuin opettajienkin toimesta.

LiiKe toteutti neljää liikunnallista hanketta Tansaniassa joihin kaikkiin saatiin rahoitus Ulkoasiainministeriöstä. LiiKen suurin rahoittaja, Ulkoasiainministeriö on ollut tyytyväinen LiiKen ja sen yhteistyökumppaneiden saavutuksiin. Tästä osoituksena jatkuva tuki LiiKen hankkeille ja yhdistyksen käyttäminen esimerkkinä hyvästä hanketoteutuksesta ja -hallinnosta.

LiiKe käyttää edelleen liikuntaa välineenä kohti kehitystä. Peruskoululiikunnan ja koulutuksen tukeminen on ollut LiiKen toiminnan kulmakivenä jo usean vuoden ajan ja tulee olemaan sitä myös tulevaisuudessa.

Evaluation of Education through Sports Project Singida 2007-9

The picture has been painted that of a positive reception of the project by the majority of the stakeholders in Singida region. The evaluator interviewed a range of stakeholders who included educational officers (of different levels in the region), teachers, members of the Teacher’s Trade Union in the region and community members. In addition the evaluator sort the opinion of the SDA people based in Mtwara. Many of the stakeholders, in their heterogeneity, commended the initiative of providing goal posts to all primary schools in the region.

The stakeholders implied that the goal posts are a catalyst for the sports
development in the region as their appearance has increased attendance in
sports, raised the awareness for sports, raised the morale of sports teachers,
increased sports competitions among schools and among communities,
improved pupils academic performance, increased pupils attendance and
retention in schools and has raised an “appetite” for sports in the region.

The stakeholders also praised the seminars that accompanied the installation of the goal posts contending that the seminars have provided basic sports education to the participants. However, the stakeholders did not hesitate to point that the seminars were too short.

The evaluator also paid physical visits to the sites of the installed goal posts to establish, among other things, durability and measurements. The evaluator can confirm that the goal posts are of a very high standard in terms of the materials used and measurements. The goal posts are made of galvanized steel iron tat guarantees their durability. With good care the goal posts can last not less than 15 years to be cautious.

The evaluator concludes that as much as the goal posts have made an impact towards the development of sports in Singida, the assertions of increased pupils’ attendance, reduced absenteeism and improved academic performance require a thorough academic research. Subsequently the evaluator strongly recommends a thorough and in-depth research on the three points to establish the relationships between them, the relationships that the evaluator believes could be instrumental in the debate for improved teaching of physical education, especially at the grassroots level, the in primary level of education.

Evaluation Report on "Education Through Sports Project" in Mtwara – Tanzania 2004-8

Chapter one

Trends of physical education and sports in Tanzania has more or less the same trends with that of education, it has passed through indigenous traditions, through Arabs, German, and British invasion, and through the era of independent Tanzania. The independent Tanzania had put some effort at different levels to improve the situation of physical education and sport in schools though at times there were some conflicts of interest. Different programs were started including sports for all which was supported by some Nordic countries. In line with the previous programs came the present project, named education through sports project Mtwara.

The objectives of the project were:
– Strengthen the Physical Education facilities in primary schools in Mtwara region
– Maintain sports fields for the usage of primary schools and communities
– Spread the importance of health lifestyle to primary schools in Mtwara
– Increase the gender equity in primary schools
– Establish a local NGO for the project (Sport Development Aid) whose functions should be to:
a) maintain the quality of sports fields in primary schools
b) assist in sports equipment to primary schools
c) organize tournaments within the region
d) train physical education teachers of primary schools, and
e) cooperate with local authorities, such as educational officers
f) And that, beneficiaries of the project are pupils, teachers and villagers in Mtwara.

Chapter Two

At a certain point in time, physical education, physical activity, play, games and sports are used incorrectly and/or interchangeably. Those terminologies are not antagonistic but each has a different concept. Each of these concepts is very important in society, physical education and sport for example has a huge relationship with other subjects in schools. The role of physical education and sport in society is incredible, in other words physical education:
– is health insurance
– contributes to academic achievement
– provides skills and experience that can last a lifetime
– helps in developing a positive self – image and ability to compete and cooperate with others

There are however a lot of issues and problems in physical education and sports. These issues range from time, facilities and equipments, human resources, curriculum implementation, gender equity and many others.

Chapter Three

This was a summative evaluation study which used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study was conducted at the site (Mtwara region) where the project was implemented. Population of the study was; parents, pupils, teachers, head teachers, regional education officers, regional commissioner, district educational officers, sports development aid – Mtwara and LiiKe staffs, the Director of National Primary Education and the community at Mtwara. Instruments for data collection were constructed and validated and data were collected through documentation, focused group interview, focused interview, observations, and questionnaires. The evaluation study ethics of utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy were practiced. Interpretational analysis and descriptive statistics were used in data analysis and organization of the information gathered. All these were done in sixty (60) days duration. Chapter four Both qualitative and quantitative data were organized, analyzed and presented according to the plan as per the objectives of the project and its implementation procedures. The following were themes used to present the data. These themes were the evaluation issues presented in the terms of references for that purposes;
– To What Extent Have the Project Improved Facilities of Sports (Football and Netball)?
– To What Extent Have the Project Strengthened Physical Education and Sport Education at Primary Schools?
– To What Extent Has the Project Increased the Number Of Pupils in Primary Schools?
– To What Extent Has the Project Improved Academic Performance of Pupils?
– To What Extent Have the Project Increased Interest in Sport and Healthy Lifestyle
– To What Extent Has the Rehabilitation/Maintenance of Sport Fields at Mtwara Primary Schools (2003-2008) Been Effective?
– To What Extent Has the Acquisition of Sports Equipment to Schools Been Effective?
– To What Extent Has the Sports Tournaments Organized Within the Region (2003-2008) Been Effective?
– To What Extent Has the Organization of Seminars on Maintenance of Sports Fields (2004-2008) Been Effective?
– To What Extent has the Project Been Effective on Strengthening the Cooperation with Local Authorities (2003 – 2008)?
– To What Extent have the Project Been Effective on Supporting the Establishment of Local Sports Clubs and School Clubs (2003-2008)?
– Was the Project Compatible to the Prevailing Culture and Standards at Mtwara?
– Is the Project Sustainable? Can the Local Stakeholders and SDA Continue with the Project Efficiently?
– How is The Implementation of Physical Education in Primary Schools at Mtwara? and
– Other Positive Side Effects of the Project.

Chapter Five

Each of the themes in chapter four were evaluated according to the data presented leading to the following conclusion and recommendations, at that end a proposed way forward of the project was narrated. Conclusion Education through Sports project – Mtwara has in general achieved her objectives to a great extent except for physical education and sports for children with disabilities. The means of implementation for the project were also effective to a great extent except on formalities and approaches used to make the project official at both national and regional level. The project has been very compatible to a great extent on the culture and prevailing standards of the people at Mtwara. It has sensitized women, especially girls to participation in sports especially football which was thought to be for men only. It has also brought Mtwara‟s children close to the external world through her FC Vito visits to Helsinki cup in Finland every year. However, the project could not involve very much the communities around the schools apart from district educational officers, teachers and their pupils. This situation was thought to be one of the hurdles for the projects sustainability since majority of the people do not have a feeling to own the project. Physical education and sports as a subject in Mtwara as it is anywhere else in Tanzania is poorly implemented. The project has a little bit accelerated sporting activities in schools but not physical education in schools. There is no qualified physical education teachers employed for this purpose which conversely leads to poor implementation. Physical education has always been there in primary schools‟ curriculum, bearing different names such as P.E, Vocational Skills, Sports and Personality, etc, but the problem has always been qualified physical education teachers.

1. The project has to extend its duration for one more year so as to supply goal posts in secondary schools in Mtwara. This will help sustainability of the project especially in terms of pupils who join secondary schools.
2. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) should be worked out and signed between the project implementers (LiiKe/SDA) and the Mtwara regional authorities that should show the responsibilities and accountability of each side in order to make the project sustainable.
3. SDA must have district committees that shall follow up the project to the grassroots in terms of monitoring, planning, and organization of sporting activities so that each school is reached equally (participatory approach). These committees should start local clubs for both football and netballs.
4. During the extension period of LiiKe/SDA‟s education through sports project in Mtwara, both LiiKe and SDA should work together in order to have contracts with local sponsors that shall continue to finance operational costs of the
5. Effective and sufficient short courses must be organized in order that each primary and secondary school in Mtwara has a qualified physical education and sports teacher.
6. The town councils and communities around the schools should be made to understand the project and feel that it is their project. Proper approaches (participatory approach) should be used to make this possible. The project will then have a budget and shall be reported within the town councils and at village levels meetings and budget respectively.

Evaluation Report on "Education Through Sports Project" in Singida – Tanzania 2007-11

This evaluation study is based on the agreement / contract made between the evaluator and the project implementers represented by LiiKe ry. LiiKe ry is a Finnish NGO that has and still is implementing a number of projects related to Physical Education and Sports in Tanzania.

Projects implemented by LiiKe ry and its Tanzania’s counterparts add up to the trends of Physical Education and Sports in Tanzania. Tanzania’s trends of Physical Education and Sports are very well documented as part of the education system or as an independent field of study in the country.

The issues of this evaluation study were to understand the extent, to which the project was implemented according to the agreed objectives, and whether the project was compatible and sustainable within the community (Singida) in which it was implemented.

The sources of information in the evaluation were all stakeholders and beneficiaries: counterparts implementing the project LiiKe ry and Singida Teachers Trade Union (STTU), and District educational authorities, School head teachers, Sports/Physical Educational (PE) teachers, and pupils.

Hence, this evaluation study made every effort to find out the merits, value, and worthiness of the education through sports project in
Singida – Tanzania. Under each evaluation issue (theme) quantitative data was presented in tabular form, followed by qualitative data. Qualitative data was presented in narrative form with a support of some quotations from the respondents. Out of the 150 questionnaires 46 were returned from physical education and sports teachers, 40 from pupils and 44 from the
head teachers respectively, making a total of 128 returned questionnaires.

Observations were made by a physical visit by the evaluator to 42 primary schools in all four (4) districts in Singida region.
Data analyzed and presented showed that the project targets were at a large extent reached except on improved academic performance of the pupils. Pupils’ academic performance requires a lot of other factors ranging from the family where a child comes from, motivation and capacity of teachers, and learning teaching environment.

According to the data analyzed and presented, means of implementation of the project were at a certain extent effective, however there still need for enhancement so that local authority and the community in which a project is implemented had ownership of the same. This strategy of participatory approach shall on one hand increase security of the project and on the other hand increase community and local authority commitment to the

Compatibility and Sustainability of the project in Singida region was at a large extent achieved, except in the area of physical education and sports as a subject in primary schools. Seminars in a field of sports might have been organized by the project, however the number of hours needed to have qualified physical education and sports teachers who are committed to their work is so huge to be covered in a seminar or workshop held in a day or three. Seminars and workshops are necessities especially for people who are
trained in the field but may not yield the expected results if it entails people who do not have background nor involved in routine work in the field of Physical Education and Sports in Schools.

Projects such as education through sports can have very huge impact in sports development if there properly trained and effectively used personnel in the field of physical education and sports. This report encourages LiiKe ry, STTU, and other stakeholders in Singida and Tanzania as a whole to invest in training of Physical Education and Sports personnel who will later help reach the desirable sports success in Singida and the country as a whole.

Evaluation of Education through Sports Project Lindi 2011-13

This is the report of the evaluation of the project Education through Sports in Lindi region (further ETS Lindi) in Tanzania implemented in partnership with a Tanzanian NGO Sports Development Aid (further SDA) and a Finnish NGO Liikunnan Kehitysyhteistyö LiiKe ry (further LiiKe) between 2011 and 2013. The project was funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.