Team LiiKe EN

Team LiiKe

Ari Koivu - LiiKe

Ari Koivu

Executive Director

first name.surname(at)
+358 40 765 9900
Mobile in Tanzania: +255 754 569 369

Ari is a passionate fan of the Finnish ice-hockey team Ässät from Pori, an early bird, a true sportsman, a geographer, an active father of two lovely daughters, a visionary and a lover of Tanzania and its tremendous nature. You need to hurry to keep up with this man!

In LiiKe Ari communicates on a daily basis with our Tanzanian counterpart and manages all our ongoing projects. Ari is also responsible for cooperation with companies and other stakeholders.

Tor Lindborg - LiiKe

Tor Lindborg

Accountancy & Fundraising

first name.surname(at)
+358 50 3510 912
Mobile in Tanzania: +255 754 045 887

Tor is our forever young gentleman who has been working and travelling in Africa since the 80s, loves to golf and keep up with all sorts of activities when it comes to culture and sports. He is an experienced father and grandfather and knows how to tell good stories.

In LiiKe Tor manages tasks related to accountancy, fundraising and billing. In Tanzania Tor has been training our local staff to manage with bookkeeping and project management.

Miia Hautakangas - LiiKe

Miia Hautakangas

Global education and social media

+358 40 5283 018

Miia is outgoing and extrovert sports instructor and enthusiastic gym activists. She is a global educators and has been all around the world, especially in East Africa. She has two small kids that keep her extra busy too.

In LiiKe, Miia is responsible of not only our daily office exercises, but also of the global education projects we implement in Finland. She also takes care of LiiKe’s social media and the United Nation’s announced International Day of Sports, Development and Peace held every year on 6th of April.

At the moment Miia is on maternity leave and studying at the University of Helsinki. Her tasks are given to LiiKe’s CEO Ari Koivu. We expect Miia to join us again in 2021.

Lahjoita nyt

LiiKen Kaupassa voit lahjoittaa liikuntatarvikkeita Tansaniaan!

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