Evaluation report Physical and Health Education Development in Tanzania 2004–2014

The purpose of the evaluation is to find information to
evaluate the impact of LiiKe’s projects and activities in the field
of sports Physical Education (PE) and health development
in Tanzania during the years 2004–2014. The aim is also to
provide information concerning the project’s effectiveness
and ineffectiveness, the impact of the projects and activities
on the education environment in Tanzania. The evaluation
should also try to map out the prevailing situation of sports
in schools and the educational environment in 2004, and
the positive and negative changes that have taken place since

LiiKe is in a process of revising its strategy and the aim of
this evaluation is to provide insight for the tentative future
scenarios based on the past decisions and achievements.
The scope of this evaluation is in the area of development
of sports and PE within the education system and their
possible relation to the Tanzanian targets in enhancing the
performance of education on various levels.



The picture has been painted, that of the situation of Health Education in the teachers’ Colleges, schools and Tanzania in general. The two-year project began in January 2012 and ended in 2014 and was due for evaluation. The terms of reference of evaluation, among other things, required to assess “to what extent have the objectives of the project been achieved”.

A variety of methods were employed to evaluate the project. The methods included desk review, interviews, discussions and questionnaire.

The overall objective of the project was to strengthen Health Education in Teachers’ Colleges and schools in Tanzania by first building capacity in both the colleges and schools and also providing teaching/learning resources. In terms of capacity building by the time of evaluation a total of 26 tutors had been trained. In turn a total of 1153 teachers of PE and HE have been trained in the 12 Teachers’ Colleges. Thus, in terms of capacity building the project has achieved the target. As far as the development of facilities and supply of equipment is concerned, the evaluation reveals that substantial development of facilities has been carried out and that supply of equipment to the 12 colleges has been implemented.

In addition some equipment have been purchased for the extra colleges that had been identified by the MoEVT to conduct physical and health education courses. These are Vikindu and Tukuyu Teachers’ Colleges. However, amidst the minor problem of misallocation of teachers of PE and HE and the acute problem of scarcity of teaching/learning resources – facilities and literature – the evaluation found that the glaring threat of the development of Health Education both in Teachers’ Colleges and schools is the absence of curriculum for the subject. The absence of curriculum and subsequently the absence of a syllabus threatens not only the teaching of the subject at all levels of education but also the existence of the subject and its sustainability.



The purpose of the evaluation of Moms and Daughters project was to find information as to whether the project has been implemented according to the plan and the stakeholders needs have been fulfilled. The evaluation also intended to investigate the impact of the project on social, economic and cultural practice of the societies in Mtwara. Mothers and Daughters

Project was based in Mtwara region in Tanzania. This project was one among the number ofprojects run by the Sport Development Aid (SDA) located in Mtwara. The project was a continuation of the 2011/2012 Mothers and Daughters project operated as a pilot project in Mtwara region. The project started officially in January 2012 and it was to be handed over to
the local counterpart in December 2014.

The main goal of Moms and Daughters Project was to empower girls and women, to promote their rights and to take an active role in the society
The evaluation involved 25 schools, eight women groups, 6 heads of schools 3 educationofficers and 3 sports officers participated in this evaluation study.

Various interview guides were prepared based on Terms of reference (TOR) and were used for different categories of respondents. Findings of this evaluation indicate that the project was implemented as planed
and the stakeholders’ needs were fulfilled. The project was sustainable predicting for the successful future continuation of the project in either Mtwara or wherever else it will be operating. However, the project has been facing some challenges. Despite the challenges, the project’s successful achievements qualify it to be handled over to stakeholders or NGO or be
introduced in other parts of the country which experiences similar challenges to those solved in Mtwara.

On the basis of the findings a number of recommendations are suggested such as

a) mainstreaming the project to school programmes and to the community development plans.

b) SDA should continue training new teachers and peer coaches because some teachers are transferred and some trained peer coaches /girls complete their studies every year.

c) Women should become self-reliant and stop expecting free money from SDA.

d) Both girls and women should use knowledge and skills acquired from the project to maintain regular participation in sports and continuous learning process on health and social development

e) The SDA should continue supporting the stakeholders or whoever will take over the project in terms of providing advice & sport equipment until the stake holders declear that they are able to go on alone.

FC Vito 2000-2010

This study was conducted due the need of elementary research of the impact
concerning FC Vito project’s benefits to the players and to the society in Southern Tanzania.

LiiKe ry, a Finnish non-profit development cooperation organization, wanted to carry out research with the purpose of finding out how its football project FC Vito has contributed to children’s lives and especially their education level in Mtwara, the southernmost region of Tanzania.

The project has been running since 2000 and this year, 2010, the eleventh team will arrive to Helsinki this summer in July. There was a great need to contact the players who have been involved and evaluate the project through their opinions and their current life situations, that is mostly, if they were
studying, graduated from some education institution or have some kind of work.

LiiKe was also interested how these former FC Vito –players were doing in general in their lives and if they had been sticking with football or with other sport and were leading a healthy lifestyle. The above-mentioned issues are all great objectives of the project.

The report is structured so that the first sections will introduce some background information about the education system and the socio-economic issues in Tanzania in order to provide an understanding of the context, where the project runs. This is followed by a short presentation about the use of sports in development cooperation in general and information about LiiKe as an NGO and its projects. After this the results
of the study will be reported in three separate sections: boys’ teams, girls’ teams and the parents’ opinions.

In the end of the report development proposals for the project will be discussed and some recommendations will be given in order to make the
project better in the upcoming years.

An Appraisal of the Education through Sports in Secondary Schools Project in Singida Region, Tanzania

Executive Summary

Education through Sports (ETS) is a project run by LiiKe-TTU joint efforts. The project was funded by LiiKe, this is a Finnish non-governmental organization. ETS aimed at improving academic performance in secondary schools in Singida through sports. The purpose of this study was to find out the extent to which the project’s objectives were achieved. The study sought to unveil how far the project met its goals and whether it was established conducted within stretch of the cultural demarcations or not.

The study was conducted in six districts involving the regional education officer (REO), all district educational officers (DEOs) and two schools from each district. While mutual interview was used to collect information from REO, DEOs and heads of schools, focus group discussion was used to obtain information from students. Additionally, a checklist was used to observe the
facilities and equipment in the beneficiary schools. A total of 120 students were involved from twelve secondary schools which were conveniently sampled.

The findings showed that, the project managed to train 316 of which, each of 151 government secondary schools got two, one male and one female sports/PE teacher and 14 other teachers were trained as trainers. Along training, the project supplied football, volleyball and netball goal posts to all 151 government schools and facilitated the construction or rehabilitation of sports facilities. It also supplied three handball goal posts to three PE preferential schools which were also established on its umbrella. Further the ETS supplied alls to all schools and facilitated various competitions including preparation for the UMISETA. By so doing, PE and sports
became very active in the region such that, there were an improvement of students’ attendance to school and a relatively better performance. It was found that, students showed good spirit of volunteering in the construction of sports facilities where both male and female equally participated.

ETS was also found to have established two mother and daughters groups and supported them in entrepreneurship and in sports activities. The target community appreciated the support they got from ETS and seemed to understand that time will come when they will have to handle the
programme. Both information from reports and observation congruently tallied and it was revealed that, ETS had achieved its entire objectives and went to even doing much more. It was concluded ETS was established to the prevailing culture and standards and it showed possibility of sustainability. Though it could go with hardship, the project can survive so far the government chips in some support especially the PE preferential schools. It was recommended that, the government should recognise and use the PE teachers trained by the ETS accordingly and extendit to other parts of the country.